June 30, 2009

#208 - Don't Chew Tobacco

Don't chew tobacco - it's just nasty.
Your can teeth may end up looking like this, and that's probably the least of the lasting effects from "dipping." Do you really think any girl wants to kiss this? Remind yourself of that next time one of your friends offers you some snuff.

-Love Dad

June 29, 2009

#207 - Don't go to the Movies

Don't go to the movies on your first date. How are you supposed to talk and learn more about each other if you are sitting silently through a 1 1/2 hour movie?

-Love Dad

June 28, 2009

#206 - Don't Teach Someone a Lesson

Trying to "teach someone a lesson" never works.

-Love Dad

June 27, 2009

#205 - Know Your Oppenents Weaknesses

Know your opponents weaknesses.

-Love Dad

June 26, 2009

#204 - Impossible or Difficult

Nothing is impossible, some things are just more difficult.

-Love Dad

June 25, 2009

#203 - Be Inspired

Be Inspired.
Only by being inspired can we go on to be inspirational.

-Love Dad

June 24, 2009

#202 - Pay Attention

A gentleman doesn't try to carry on a conversation while he is staring at a television set or a computer screen.

June 23, 2009

#201 - Look at People When They Talk

A gentleman looks adults in the eye when he is talking to them.

June 22, 2009

#200 - Listening to and Talking to Adults Do's and Don'ts

Listening to and Talking to Adults - Do's and Don'ts

> You Do

Try to take the time to have a real conversation with the adults in your life. Having a real conversation means answering questions, asking questions, and trying to speak in full sentences.

> You Don't

Use words like "Yeah," "Nope," "What?" and "Huh?" when you're having a conversation with an adult.

> Why

At some point you are going to be really glad you got to sped time with the adults in your life, and you will cherish that time. You'll be glad you got to know your parents and grandparents and the other adults who care about you. The only real way you are going to be able to get to know each other is be learning to talk and listen.

June 21, 2009

#199 - Listening to and Talking to Adults Do's and Don'ts

Listening to and Talking to Adults - Do's and Don'ts

> You Do

Remove your ear buds, turn down the television, or take a break from your video game when an adult wants to talk to you.

> You Don't

Say, "I'm busy now" or "Can't you see I'm busy?" or "I'll get back to you when I'm done."

> Why

It's important for you to learn to use the pause button. No matter how busy you think you are, you can always take a break from what you are doing to pay attention to another real live human being. They man need to tell you something important, or they may need to ask you a serious question. Even if what they want to talk about doesn't seem important to you, you can simply say, "Can we talk a little later?" That way, you're showing the adult the same respect you'd like the adult to show to you.

June 20, 2009

#198 - Listening to and Talking to Adults

Listening to and Talking to Adults

You are going to have to talk to adults - whether they're your teachers, your parents, your coaches, or the people who run the cash registers at the grocery store. There's no way you can avoid it. But if you're going to have to talk to them, you will need to learn to listen to them, too. Nothing makes adults angrier than trying to talk to a young guy who is so caught up with his video game or his iPod that they can't even get his attention. (Well, actually one thing does make them angrier: a young guy who responds to every question by saying, "Huh?" or "What?" or "Nope.")

A gentleman knows if he actually has time for a full scale conversation. If he is on a deadline for a paper that is due the next day, it's OK for him to say, "Can we talk about this later? I'm way behind on this paper." Watching the same movie for the seventeenth time in a row is not a good excuse for ignoring your grandmother. A gentleman turns off the television and talks to his grandma.

Adults aren't always trying to give you orders and make your life harder. Sometimes they're trying to do something nice for you or offer you some help. That's why it's important to learn to listen.

June 19, 2009

#197 - Friends

I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends.

-Love Dad

June 18, 2009

#196 - Don't be Short of Character

It is better to be short of cash than to be short of character.

-Love Dad

June 17, 2009

#195 - Ephesians 5:4

By nothing do men show their character more than by the things they laugh at.
"Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God."
Ephesians 5:4, New Living Translation

-Love Dad

June 16, 2009

#194 - Sunglasses

Be careful not to ogle girls at the beach. That's what sunglasses are for.

June 15, 2009

#193 - Teachers

If you spot a teacher outside of school, leave him or her be.

June 14, 2009

#192 - Art

Hang artwork at eye level.

June 13, 2009

#191 - Chuck Knox Quote

"Always have a plan and believe in it. I tell my coaches not to compromise. Nothing good happens by accident."

-Chuck Knox
Former Coach, Los Angeles Rams

June 12, 2009

#190 - Richard Petty Quote

"No one wants to quit when he's losing and no one want to quit when he's winning."

-Richard Petty

Auto Racing Driver

June 11, 2009

#189 - Pete Reiser Quote

"It doesn't take talent to be on time."
-Peter Reiser
Former Coach, California Angels

June 10, 2009

#188 - Friends Secrets

If a friend asks a gentleman if he wants to hear a secret, a gentleman thinks twice before he says yes.

June 09, 2009

#187 - Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut Do's and Don'ts

Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut - Do's and Don'ts

> You Do

Know when you shouldn't keep a secret.

> You Don't

Keep your mouth shut when you've learned that someone is going to do something wrong or something that could cause someone to be hurt.

> Why

If you learn that a friend has been stealing other people's property, using drugs, or doing anything else that could get him in trouble or cause people to be hurt, it is your responsibility to speak up. You do not spread rumors, but you do tell your parents, a teacher, or a counselor that you are concerned about your friend's behavior.

June 08, 2009

#186 - Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut Do's and Don'ts

Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut - Do's and Don'ts

> You Do

Know how to keep a secret.

> You Don't

Tell your mom that your dad has bought her a diamond necklace for her birthday.

> Why

The necklace is your dad's gift to your mom, and he wants it to be a surprise. It is much cooler to be the guy who can keep a secret than the guy who can't keep his mouth shut when he should.

June 07, 2009

#185 - Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut Do's and Don'ts

Kowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut - Do's and Don'ts
> You Do
Use discretion when talking about upcoming parties.

> You Don't
Tell another person about a party if you aren't sure if that person has been invited.

> Why
You don't want to run the risk of making the other person feel that he or she has been left out. And you definitely do not want people to think that you are bragging.

June 06, 2009

#184 - Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut

Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut

Although a gentleman tries very hard not to hurt other people's feelings, there probably will come a time when - even without meaning to - he will say the wrong thing and make another person feel bad. When that happens he will feel embarrassed, the other person will feel mis-treated, and the gentleman will end up having to say, "I'm sorry."

Most of the time you can avoid that sort of painful situation by being very careful what you say. Many times, that means using "discretion," which basically means knowing when to keep your mouth shut. Sometimes, after all, the best course of action is to say nothing at all.

June 05, 2009

#183 - How to Tie a Knot With Fishing Line

How To Tie A Knot With Fishing Line

This knot is called the Uni-Knot, it is a basic fishing knot which can be varied to meet virtually every knot tying need in either freshwater or saltwater fishing.

1. Run the line through the eye of hook, swivel or lure at least 6" and fold to make 2 parallel lines. Bring the end of line back in a circle toward the hook or lure.

2. Make 6 turns with tag end around the double line.

Pass tag end through the circle.

Hold the double line at a point where it passes through the eye and pull the tag end to snug up the turns.

3. Now pull the standing line to slide the knot up against the eye.

4. Continue pulling until the knot is tight. Trim tag end flush with closest coil of knot. The uni-knot will not slip.
5. Go catch some fish
excerpt from: fish4fun.com

June 04, 2009

#182 - Be Selfish Sometimes

Be Selfish.
Not all the time, obviously, but every now and then it pays to be a little selfish. We all need to make sure that we look after ourselves, as only then can we look after others.

-Love Dad

June 03, 2009

#181 - Never Underestimate the Opposition

Never underestimate the opposition.

-Love Dad

June 02, 2009

#180 - Read the Bible

Read the Bible from cover to cover at least once.

-Love Dad

June 01, 2009

#179 - Be a Man of Your Word

Be a man of your word.

-Love Dad
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