December 31, 2008

#27 - Driving Drunk

Always have a designated driver.

This rule applies to everyday, but especially on New Year's Eve when a lot of people go out drinking.

There is no excuse to drive drunk.

-Love Dad

December 30, 2008

#26 - Jewelery for Men

Men should not wear excessive jewelery.
A watch and a wedding ring is all you'll ever need.

Don't go overboard with the bling.

-Love Dad

December 29, 2008

December 28, 2008

#24 - How to Break in a Baseball Mitt

How to Break in a Baseball Mitt

Glove at first sight!
Baseball mitts are very special things. Far from being ready to use straight from the store, they demand individual effort to fully realize their enormously wonderful potential. Much more than a summer's worth of dreams are contained within that flexible leather palm. There's magic and loss, and the green fields of our first hopes and friendships. You'll find them in the well-worn soul, a soul that's born in the transition from store-bought item to custom-fitted companion.
It's the nature of leather to adapt to usage, and the only true way to optimize a mitt is by using it to play. But there are steps which can help that process begin, steps that fall under the heading of "breaking in" the glove.
Before You Begin
What you want to do is soften the leather in the palm of the glove. At the same time you'll be training the glove to close over a baseball in such a way as to grip it firmly, but provide easy access when the ball needs to be transferred to your other hand.
If you ask five different people how to break in a baseball mitt, you'll probably get five different answers. Two methods are provided here, both of which work very well. Choose the one that appeals to you; if it doesn't produce satisfactory results, try the other.
Method 1: The lumpy bed approach
Step 1

Drip some oil or spread some petroleum jelly onto a clean cloth, then rub it into the palm of the glove and work it in well using your fingers.
  • Rub some more jelly or oil into the crease in the palm that extends to the heel of the glove.
  • Put your hand in the glove, and flex it back and forth. Guide it closed with your other hand, so that it folds correctly along the crease.
Step 2
  • Take the baseball, and place it in the webbed "pocket" of the glove.
  • Secure the glove around the ball with the rubber bands.
  • Put the glove under your mattress and sleep on it. Wrap it in a towel to keep it from staining the mattress.
Step 3
Go out and use the glove in pickup games and with your buddies.
The more time you can spend oiling and flexing the glove, the better. Sleep on it for several more nights and you'll find the glove opening and closing easily.
Method 2: The big band approach
Step 1

  • Take the baseball and place it in the webbed "pocket" of the glove.
  • Secure the glove around the ball with the rubber bands.
Step 2
  • Dampen the wrapped glove by spritzing it with water.
  • Set aside and let dry completely (this may take a while).
Step 3

When the glove is dry, rub some oil or petroleum jelly all over the outside of the glove, as this method tends to dry out the leather.
Step 4
Go out and use the glove in pickup games and with your buddies.

December 27, 2008

#23 - Wearing a Tie

If you choose to wear a tie, commit. Button your top button.

December 26, 2008

#22 - Smile

There is always a reason to smile. Find it.

-Love Dad

December 25, 2008

#21 - No Glittery Cards

Don't send out greeting cards with glitter.

The glitter falls off inside the envelope while in the mail. Then when the recipient opens the envelope the glitter falls out all over the place. Finally, when you try to read the card you get glitter all over you hands. Save everyone from having to clean up the mess and don't send glittery cards.

-Love Dad

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone who views this blog. Thanks for checking it out and I hope you'll keep on coming back. I hope you have a fun and safe Christmas.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

December 24, 2008

#20 - No Do-overs

No Do-overs.

"In four square, there are no "do overs." The same is true of life. If you screw up, you rarely get a second chance. Accept this and move on. Instead of arguing or pleading for a second try, figure out what went wrong and try to fix it. No one respects the kid who constantly requests a do-over, so accept your mistakes and focus on improvement."

December 23, 2008

#19 - Stick Together

When it's time to go home, find a friend to cross the street with.

"There's safety in numbers and two heads are better than one. When it's time to head in a new direction, find someone to help you. Whether that person is a family member, a spouse, a friend, or a dog, they can be your support system to get you through life's hazards. Can you do things on your own? Absolutely. Should you lean on this person? Not necessarily. But whether you need them or not, having a friend to hold your hand as you cross the street can make the trip a pleasure."

December 22, 2008

#18 - No Shortcuts

No Cutting.

"There are very few shortcuts in life. If you find one, be sure that you're not just cutting in front of someone else by taking it. Cheating your way to the front of the line may save you a few seconds now, but the consequences can last for years (or at least through recess). Cutting generates ill will, because it's a clear signal that you put your own needs in front of others. Don't be surprised when you get picked last for the next round of dodge ball...or raises."

excerpt from:

December 21, 2008

#17 - Take Turns

Take Turns

"If you expect to have friends to play with, you're going to have to learn to take turns. Taking turns is about respecting your playmates and looking for the best solution for everyone involved. So in your work life and love life, it pays to take turns. This can mean sharing the spotlight. It can mean letting your partner choose the movie (even if it means seeing Bad Boys for the 80th time). It can also mean stopping to really listen to the other person's side of the conversation. There are very few times in life when taking turns doesn't benefit you."

December 20, 2008

#16 - No Takebacks

No Takebacks.
"Once you give something you can't ask for it back. Whether it's a physical gift, a gift of money, or a gift of time, asking for a tackback is pointless. It shows bad faith and makes you untrustworthy. Even more importantly, you can't take back your words. Once they're out there, you have to deal with the consequences, however unpleasent they may be. When you decide to give something, give it freely with no strings attached."
excerpt from:

December 19, 2008

#15 - Offer Her Your Coat

Offer Her your coat.

-Love Dad

December 18, 2008

#14 - Don't Quit

When you're ready to quit, you're closer than you think.

"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
-Chinese Proverb

-Love Dad

December 17, 2008

#13 - Careful with Email

Never get into a pissing match via email.
If he forwards, then you lose.

-Love Dad

December 16, 2008

#12 - Is There a Draft?

Always double check to make sure your fly is zipped or buttoned.

-Love Dad

December 15, 2008

#11 - Take Pride

Take pride in your work. Even if you sweep floors for a living, make those the cleanest damn floors anyone has ever seen.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." -Abraham Lincoln

(no offense to anyone who actually sweeps floors for a living, but I really hope my boys don't have to sweep floors for a living)

-Love Dad

December 14, 2008

#10 - Take Back Christmas

Lets take back Christmas.

I'm tired of people saying "Happy Holidays", "Seasons Greetings", "Merry Christmakah" or "We're going to a 'holiday' party." What happened to Christmas? What happened to Merry Christmas or a Christmas party? I'm tired of people creating fake holidays to take the place of Christmas. I'm tired of the PC police telling me that I can't say Merry Christmas because it might offend someone. Last time I checked I lived in America, and I have the right to freedom of speech.

So your offended by me saying Merry Christmas...then too bad, because I do celebrate Christmas, and not the Santa Clause Christmas but the Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas. Your offended, what about me? I'm offended that your trying to push your fake holidays on me. Now I'm not saying that you have to celebrate Christmas, if you celebrate Hanuka or Kwanzaa or whatever else that's fine by me. Everyone has the right to celebrate what they want or believe in whatever they want, and that includes me.

So why is it that it's OK for you to celebrate your holidays, but I can't say Merry Christmas. I'm offended that you've taken Christmas out of Christmas. Who's looking out for my feelings, where's the PC police for me? Oh right...their not coming because they wouldn't want to hurt any one's feelings by standing up for Christmas. But they'll stand up for all those other fake holidays, this just doesn't make any sense.

Christmas has been stolen from me and no one seems to care. I'm taking Christmas back. If you say Happy Holidays, I'm saying Merry Christmas. If you say Seasons Greetings, I'm saying Merry Christmas. If you say X-mas, I'm saying Christmas. And the worst one of all - If you say Merry Christmakuh, I'm saying Merry Christmas. From now on it's Christmas or nothing.

Take a stand for Christmas!

Take a stand for Baby Jesus!

Say Merry Christmas again.

I'm not scared or ashamed to display my nativity, and you should not be either.

*Twas the month before Christmas*
*When all through our land,*
*Not a Christian was praying*
*Nor taking a stand.*
*See the PC Police had taken away,*
*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*
*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*
*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
* December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*
*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*
*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*
*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
*Something was changing, something quite odd! *
*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*
*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*
* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.*
*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
*You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.*
*Inclusive, Sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*
*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*
*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*
*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*
*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*
*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*
* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*
*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*
*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*
*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'*
*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*
*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
*Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holiday!*

December 13, 2008

#9 - How to Shoot a Free Throw

Nothing But Net!
How to Shoot a Free Throw.

Like the drum solo at a rock concert, the free throw is the star turn of basketball: it's just you in the spotlight, and nothing but skill between you and success. The best shooters spend hours a week just at the free throw line, maintaining their overall rhythm while working on sneaking in those extra points come game time.

The early basketball shots were two-handed, but the evolution of basketball has developed what is essentially a one-handed shot, with the other hand used mainly as a place holder.

Before You Begin
The objective is to find your most comfortable way of holding and shooting the ball by following some guidelines. Take it slow, avoid the temptation to move back and fling the ball up. It's even a good idea to start halfway to the free throw line (about 10 feet out) to get the feeling down first, then step back. A free throw doesn't require that you jump. Hold the ball in your fingers, not your palm, and take a few dribbles to get the rhythm of the ball.
So that the directions are clear to both left- and right-handed learners, this 2torial uses the terms dominant and non-dominant. The dominant side is the hand and arm that you use for writing, throwing--e.g., if you're a left-handed, your left arm is your dominant arm. The non-dominant is the other side.

Position the ball
Shooting a basketball is all in the fingertips and wrist snap.

With the dominant hand: take the ball and pull your wrist to a cocked back position until it shows wrinkles. Next, bring in your dominant elbow as far under the ball as feels comfortable and lift the ball to a comfortable place at a height around your shoulders.

With the non-dominant hand: hold the ball with your fingertips on the non-dominant side like a bookmark. Bring your non-dominant elbow up about 8 inches (20 centimeters) from your body.

Bend Your Legs
Crunch down and bend your legs, as if you are ready to jump.

Your feet should be shoulder's width apart--if you drew an imaginary line from your shoulder joint to the ground, your feet would be directly in that line. Then point your dominant foot at your target and about four inches in front of the other foot.

Extend From the Legs
Just before you shoot, bend your knees a little more, then extend. Shooting involves bringing the ball up at the same time as the legs extend, and then releasing the ball just before the top of the motion. To propel the ball, snap the right wrist, and point your fingers (called a "follow through") where you want the ball to go. Try to get the ball to spin backwards on its way.
Aim Continuously

Keep your eyes on the target the whole time. Shoot for the back of the rim. This way, if you throw either a little too short or too long, the ball can still fall in.

At the end of the shot, you should be standing just on your toes.

Your dominant arm should be extended and your wrist should be bent, with your fingers following through at the rim.

Your nondominant hand should remain as it was, to the side or in front of your face.
Listen attentively for the "swish" sound of the ball going through the net...

December 12, 2008

#8 - Slow Down

It is more important to know where you are going than to see how fast you can get there.

"Desire without knowledge is not good— how much more will hasty feet miss the way!"
Proverbs 19:2

Slow down there big guy.

-Love Dad

December 11, 2008

#7 - Rules for Tattoos

Tattoos are OK.
There are some rules however.

1. You must be 18

2. As long as you live in our house, and as long as we pay for any of your expenses, your Mom and I get final approval on what you plan to get.

This is an example of a tattoo that would not be approved.

3. I get to go with you for your first one. Who knows I might decide to get a new one too.

Dad has a few.

4. Be discreet with your tattoo placement

Because this guy just looks dumb.
-Love Dad

December 10, 2008

#6 - Don't get Pierced

No piercings. If you come home looking like this guy you're in trouble.

-Love Dad

December 09, 2008

Thank you to the Troops.

I am going to break away from the list for the boys today to tell you about a simple way you can brighten the day of one of our troops. I received an email about this today and just thought it was one of the greatest things ever. Support the troops and send them a card.

If you go to this web site,, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq. You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services. How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a second.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.

This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time to pass it on for others to do. We can never say enough thank yous.

#5 - Walk

Don't park so close to stores in parking lots. Walking a little farther is good for you.

-Love Dad

December 08, 2008

#4 - Native Texans

You are native Texans, not transplants. Be proud of that.

-Love Dad

December 07, 2008

#3 - Slam Dunks

Don't be afraid to fly.

-Love Dad

December 06, 2008

#2 - Grandparents

Ask your Grandma and your Nanny about how or why they fell in love with your Grandpa. It is good information to know and I'm sure that Grandma and Nanny would enjoy sharing with you.

Nanny & Grandpa - Grandpa & Grandma

By the Way

I will be numbering the posts just to keep track of how many there are. But like I said in an earlier post, I am not going to limit myself to a certain number and then stop. They are in no particular order, they are just entered as they pop into my head. There are lots of things I want the boys to know and I have no idea how long it will take me to get them all out. I am sure that the things I want to tell them will evolve as they grow and as I continue to learn along with them. It should be interesting and fun and I hope you'll stick around, or at least stop in every once in a while to see what's new.

December 05, 2008

Enough explaination...Let's get started - #1

The most important thing I could probably ever teach you boys is that Jesus died for you. Love the Lord your God and accept Jesus as your savior.

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
That's right...for You.

Yeah. Like when they turn 30!

My boys are only 8 months old. I obviously do not expect them to understand what I am trying to do for them by writing this blog. They won't get it when they turn 10, they probably won't like it when they are in their teens, and they will have more important things to worry about when they turn 21. I know that is how it will go and it doesn't hurt my feelings.

I am not writing this for now, but rather for later down the line. One day they will want to read it on their own - that's the day I am writing this for. One day they will come to appreciate it on their own - that's the day I am writing this for. One day they will apply what I have taught them to their own lives - that is the day I am writing this for.

That will be one hell of a rewarding day for me as a father, and as I continue to write this blog, it will be one I look forward to with great anticipation.

So like it says at 1001 Rules for my Unborn Son, "Let's get some things straight before I get old and uncool."

December 04, 2008

Let the Journey Begin

Welcome to the Treasured Map Blog. Let me introduce you to myself and what this blog will be all about. I am a Dad of two amazing twin boys that have completely enriched my life in ways that were previously unimaginable. As of the writing of this initial post my sons are 8 months old. It's a crazy time in our house right now with two little guys who are learning to become mobile.

I've always had this desire that when I finally became a Dad, I wanted to give it my all, and jump in to fatherhood wholeheartedly and headfirst. I want to be the best Dad ever to my boys. I want to be their Superman, their hero, their friend, their playmate, their confidante, and so much more. But what I really want to do more than anything is teach my boys how to become real men. Men who love their God, their wives, their children, their families. Men who are honest, loyal, trustworthy, compassionate, hard-working, responsible, and driven. I'll stop here with the descriptions because I think you get the point and I could go on and on with verbiage to describe what I want for them. Let's just say a real Man's Man.
I understand that the best way for my sons to learn all these traits is for me, their father, to be a good model and example. It does nothing for them if I tell them something but do not live it myself. So I am doing my part trying to talk the talk and walk the walk. Hopefully my boys will one day find themselves thinking "I remember how my Dad used to do this or that" and will remember the model I set for them.

But, what happens if, God forbid, I am not around to be that example for them? What then? I know its a horrible thought, and one that I do not even like putting down into words. But nevertheless that thought does go through my head. It would pain me for all eternity if something happened to me and I were unable enrich these boys lives and were not there to help mold them into the great men that I know they can become.
I planned on just putting some thoughts that I have in my daddy brain on to paper and leaving it for the boys to read one day. I thought that was a fine idea. Then I ran across 1001 Rules For My Unborn Son, a blog with a similar concept and I was inspired to write this blog. I contacted the author of that blog to ask a few questions and asked his permission if I could borrow some of his concepts, he graciously agreed. Thank you.

So where does this leave us? Well, I guess I am a blogger now, which is something I never thought I'd be. But I think it will be a lot of fun now that I have something worth writing for - my two amazing sons. I promise not all of the entries to this blog will be long like this one. In fact what you will find here will mostly be thoughts I have that I want my boys to know. Some will be my own words, some will be quotes from other people, some will be instructions for them, others will be things not to do; they may be biblical, inspirational, serious, or funny. I won't know until I am actually writing it and you'll just have to stick around to find out. I've decided I am not going to limit myself to 101, 1001, 2001, or any number of entries. I will just keep going until I feel like I am done telling my boys what I want them to know.

I hope you will come back daily, weekly, or monthly to check out what has been written. Keep up with the blog, who knows you may be inspired like I was. Please leave comments, let me know what you think, or even send me your own ideas for what you would say.

And now...let the journey begin.
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