February 27, 2015

#651 - Excerpt from Epic, The Story God is Telling by John Eldredge

"Rescuing the human heart is the hardest mission in the world.  The dilemma of the Story is this: we don't know if we want to be rescued.  We are so enamored with our small stories and our false gods, we are so bound up in our addictions and our self-centeredness and take-if-for-granted unbelief that we don't even know how to cry out for help.  And the Evil One has no intention of letting his captives walk away scott-free.  He seduces us, deceives us, assaults us - whatever it takes to keep us in darkness."  

Epic, The Story God is Telling - John Eldredge

February 24, 2015

#650 - Friends

Your friends can get you in more trouble in one day than you can get yourself into in a lifetime....choose wisely.

-Love Dad

February 21, 2015

#649 - Just Like Every Other Guy

Hailey - 

Throughout life you're going to meet men who say things like "I'm not like every other guy."  If you happen across a man like this, kick him in the nuts and walk away.

-Love Dad

February 19, 2015

#648 - Robert Lansdorp Quote

"The better you become, the more people will try to find something wrong with you."

-Robert Lansdorp
Professional Tennis Coach

February 17, 2015

#647 - Measuring

Measure twice, cut once.

-Love Dad

February 15, 2015

#646 - Don't mess up a good opportunity

Screw it up the first time and you'll never have to do it again...because you won't be asked to.

-Love Dad

February 13, 2015

#645 - People

You can't change people no matter how much you might want to.

-Love Dad

February 11, 2015

#644 - Handshake

When meeting someone for the first time, always look them in the eyes and give them a good, firm, handshake.

-Love Dad

February 09, 2015

#643 - Make Up

Hailey - 
Make up is like jewlery - you don't need it every day.  Some days you'll need a little, some days you'll need a lot...but you will never need it to be beautiful.

-Love Dad

February 06, 2015

#642 - Wait for it

Always let people getting off the elevator, train, bus, or subway go first; then you can board.

-Love Dad

February 04, 2015

#641 - Dating

Hailey - Never date a man who doesn't open the door for you, doesn't say "bless you" when you sneeze, doesn't offer you his jacket when you are cold, or is rude to waiters and waitresses (and not in that particular order).  There's more to this list but that's what I have for now.

Turner and Jaxson - Take note of the list above.  Don't be that guy, and don't let Hailey date that guy either.  I'm counting on you.

-Love Dad

February 02, 2015

#640 - Murray Warmath Quote

"There is no virtue like winning and no sin worse than losing."

-Murray Warmath
Former Coach, Minnesota Football
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