March 31, 2015

#667 - Weakness

It's ok to use your opponents weakness to your advantage.

-Love Dad

March 29, 2015

#666 - Baby Girl

You'll always be my baby girl.
-Love Dad

March 27, 2015

#665 - Go BIG

Even if it means failing big...especially then.

-Love dad

March 25, 2015

#664 - Birds

Take time to feed the birds.

-Love Dad

March 23, 2015

#663 - Sit in the Rain

Take time to sit on the porch when it's raining.

-Love Dad

March 21, 2015

#662 - Overdressed?

You can never overdress.  Don't stress about it.

-Love Dad

March 19, 2015

#661 - Finish

Finish what you've started.

-Love Dad

March 17, 2015

#660 - Hank Stram Quote

"It's only a game when you win. When you lose, it's hell."

-Hank Stram
Former Coach, KC Cheifs

March 15, 2015

#659 - Trust Your Gut

If you have an iffy feeling about something (an outing with friends, a particualr boy, etc.) trust your gut.  Your instincts will keep you safe.

-Love Dad

March 13, 2015

#658 - Devices

Turn off the electronic devises sometimes.  There is real life going on right in front of you; don't let it pass you by and don't miss out on discovering what the world is all about.

-Love Dad

March 11, 2015

#657 - Get the Door

A man gets the door.  
Without hesitation.

-Love Dad

March 09, 2015

#656 - Learn Fast

Being a fast learner will get you far in life so pay attention.

-Love Dad

March 07, 2015

#655 - John Wooden Quote

"The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team."

-John Wooden, former coach UCLA Bruins

March 05, 2015

#654 - Know It All

I don't know it all, and when I think I do I find out how little I really do know.

-Love Dad

March 03, 2015

#653 - Johnny Bench Quote

"Slumps are like a soft bed. they're easy to get into and hard to get out of."

-Johnny Bench
Former Catcher, Cincinnati Reds

March 01, 2015

#652 - How to Stay Safe in a Parking Garage

How to Stay Safe in a Parking Garage

1) Park next to the nearest lit spot. Even parking next to a little of light is better then no light at all.

2) Avoid parking next to a van. This is a predator's hideout of choice.

3) While in the car, write down on a piece of paper the spot of where you've parked. This way, you won't have to spend all day wandering around the parking garage, wondering where your car is. Try to memorize where you've parked.

4) Lock your car doors and windows thoroughly.

5) Keep easy weapons such as pepper spray or other easy self defense tools. If you feel unsafe in the parking garage put one of your self defense items in your purse of jacket pocket, where you can quickly get to it if needed. Immediately exit your car. Do not spend time in your car fumbling through your purse.

6) Walk confidently. Stand straight, and look around your surroundings. Avoid looking meek or unaware, as this will increase your risk of getting mugged or abducted. Do not stop or look back until you have safely reached the store. Walk briskly, but don't run.

7) Do not spend a lot of time in the parking garage.

8) On returning to your vehicle, walk confidently. If you have shopping bags in your hand, walk very briskly, but again, don't run. Once you have loaded your bags in your car, quickly, immediately get into your car and drive out of the parking garage.

  • If you aren't comfortable with going out to your car alone, ask a store for a clerk to escort you out to your vehicle. Many stores don't have escort clerks nowadays, but some do. It's worth a try.
  • Remember, do not stop for a person that appears to be in trouble. This is a prank that predators use to lure women. It is woman's nature to be friendly and help, but do so only at certain times. Right now, don't. Just ignore the man, and walk out to your vehicle. Don't stop for anything if it means protecting your safety and the safety of others.
  • If you get the uncomfortable feeling that someone is following you, then trust your heart. You might be correct. Immediately run to your car if you feel followed, and drive out. Don't go home if you think that somebody is following, especially if you live alone. Instead, consider staying at a place where there are other people present, such as a friend's home, or a hotel.
  • Get a concealed carry permit and take your gun with you as an alternative to pepper spray.
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