May 01, 2009

#148 - TEA Party

Recently all across the country Americans who were sick and tired of excessive taxes and the direction President Obama is leading this country decided to take a stand. They wanted their voices heard, loud and clear. So they gathered in cities all over the US to protest. They called it "Tea Parties," Tea standing for Taxed Enough Already.

I'll be quite honest. I did not vote for Mr. Obama. I do not believe in his policies, his agenda, or him. I do not agree with much of anything he has done as President in his first 100 days in office, and I am tired of him blaming all of our problems on his predecessor instead of taking ownership of what he is responsible for. I do believe that we are now less safe then we were before he arrived, and for the first time in my life that I can remember, I am afraid for America's future.

Most of all I am angry about the enormous amount of debt that this President (and a Democratic run Congress) is piling on this country. I am angry because my kids, Turner and Jaxson, are now saddled with this incomprehensible number of dollars. My kids deserve a better America than I had, I think we owe that to all our children.

I really wanted to be out there with all the other protesters on the Tea Party day. I too wanted my representatives to hear my voice of displeasure with the job we have entrusted to them. I wanted to be out there for my kids. Unfortunately I could not be out there on the front lines, I had to work when the protests were happening during the day.

So because I could not participate on the actual day, I decided to change up my blog format for the next month. This is my own personal Tea Party. This is for Turner and Jaxson.

If you follow my blog at all you know that this is all geared towards my sons. These are my words of wisdom for them, so they can grow up to be strong, wise, Godly men. I had a recent post that said: "Pay attention to the teachable moments in life." Well boys, the times we are living in right now are a teachable moment for you.

The American people voted for "Change" in the 2008 Presidential election, and change is what they are getting. Although after the first 100 days in office for this President many voters have buyers remorse. This is a mistake that I don't want you to repeat.

The next month will be dedicated to teaching Turner and Jaxson about America, Freedom, Taxes, Government, War, Rights, Liberty, Patriotism, and much more. This is our Tea Party.

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