December 14, 2009

#339 - Accepting a Gift You Like Do's and Don'ts

Accepting a Gift you Like Do's & Don'ts

> You Do

Say, "Thank you," to the gift giver, as soon as you open the present.

> You Don't

Start raving about how much you love this gift - especially if somebody else in the room has given a gift you didn't like as much.

> Why

It is OK to love a gift, but it is not OK to compare one gift with another, especially if both gift givers are sitting there in front of you. If you start comparing gifts, some body's feelings are bound to get hurt. When you write your thank-you note (and you will write a thank0you note, of course), you can let the gift giver know how much you really like the gift. The thank-you note is like a private conversation between you and the person you are sending it to. Nobody else will know what you have said, and no body's feelings will be bruised.

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