July 24, 2010

#520 - How to Prepare for a Big Date

How to Prepare for a Big Date
Knowing how to prepare for a big date can make things go smoother. The temptation is generally to do too much, spend too much time thinking everything through, and generally psyche yourself out. Luckily, there are a few simple steps that can help you stay calm and be sure everything goes smoothly.
  1. Be on time. The general rule is don’t show up late, but if you're picking your date up, you don’t be early either. Showing up at her home ten minutes early can be inconsiderate. Chances are she’ll still be getting ready and will have to worry about what to do with you until she’s ready to leave. Not a good way to start. Need to stall a little? Clean out the front seat of your car.
  2. Groom. Even if you're usually a pretty clean guy, now is the time to take the extra shower, spend some extra time shaving, and use the cologne. The way to a man’s heart may be through his stomach, but the way to a woman’s is often through her nose.
  3. Skim the news. Taking a quick look at some of the top articles in online newspapers and magazines can help give you a back-up supply of conversation starters in case things stall. Stick with interesting things you read in the style, health, science, and entertainment sections. You don't want to use this time to debate about foreign policy.
  4. Keep calm. Preparing for a big date only makes it stressful for you both. Don't feel as though you have to plan every detail or stress about things going well. Think of it as just a chance to spend time with each other, keep plans simple, and don’t stress if things don’t go perfectly. If you're relaxed, being yourself, and having a good time, chances are she'll feel the same way.

By: Caroline Sadowska
Break Studios Contributing Writer

excerpt from: mademan.com

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