March 30, 2009

#116 - Asking Permission Do's and Don'ts

Asking Permission Do's and Don'ts

> You Do

Ask anytime you are not sure if something is acceptable for you to do.

> You Don't

Figure it is easier to beg to be forgiven later, rather than ask permission now.

> Why

If you want to stay out an hour later than your normal curfew, it is better to ask beforehand, rather than just staying out and hoping your parents will be OK with it. If you don't ask their permission, you'll be running the risk of worrying them and of being punished for your poor judgement. If you ask permission beforehand, you are showing your parents that you respect them and, at the same time, you are giving them an opportunity to show that they trust you. If you ask them for little things instead of doing things without permission - like staying out an extra hour - then, when you get older, you'll stand a better chance of getting permission for bigger privileges, like a weekend trip with your friends.

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