February 05, 2009

#63 - Making an Apology Do's and Don'ts

Making an Apology - Do's & Don'ts

> You Do

Say more than "I'm sorry" if the occasion calls for it. For example, if you throw a baseball and smash the neighbor's window, you say, "I'm sorry I broke your window. I'll make sure it gets replaced." If you can't afford to pay for something you have broken, you can offer to work out an arrangement that will allow you to correct your mistake. Maybe you can work out a deal with your parents so that they will give you an advance on your allowance, or maybe they will let you do some extra work around the house to earn the money you need.

> You Don't

Assume that saying "I'm sorry" always gets you off the hook.

> Why

A gentleman knows that sometimes a few words are not enough to fix a mistake. Part of growing up is learning what you really need to do when you've damaged some body's property or hurt another person's feelings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So...is this advice for a child or a husband. :) Bryan

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